Saturday 21 January 2012

Drop your Ego - Dating Fears and Succeed with Women

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Why You Could Have Had That Woman You Wanted - Stop losing Connection with the Women you Desire
By Legendary Dating Coach David Wygant
What if I told you that there is ONE thing that most guys do (including YOU I'll bet) which, more than almost ANYTHING else RUINS the chances of most relationships taking off.
Not only that...
What if I told you that this same ONE thing has caused you (probably many times) to walk away from women YOU told yourself weren't interested when, in reality, THEY WERE INTO YOU! (Women to whom you were REALLY attracted)
Don't believe me? Keep reading, then, because I am going to show you how you may be walking away from these women who are interested in you.
Bottom Line: Your ego is ruining it for you.
Let me give you the classic example. See if this sounds familiar to you.
Here you are. You're hanging out with a woman you’ve been out with three or four times. You’re getting along great, and you know it. You’re having a good time with her.
Then, all of a sudden, she gets scared (which ALWAYS happens). Maybe she all of a sudden stops calling you. Maybe she doesn't text you back right away. Maybe she hesitates about getting together.
What do you do? You let your ego step in to protect you. Your ego goes to work protecting you, and you say to yourself "Screw it. This isn't going to work out."
What's REALLY going on, is that your ego was just protecting you from becoming even more vulnerable. THEN what happens next is that you RATIONALIZE the situation to yourself by doing things like submerging yourself in your work.
Sounding like anyone you know?! The truth is that your ego is just trying to protect you the whole time.
Not missing that great relationship might just take one more phone call. Call that person out and say to them, “Hey, what’s going on? I don’t get it. You and I were having a good time, and then you disappear. What’s up?”
By calling somebody out on their shit, you’re going to get a response that will be FAR different than you ever imagined. Maybe she just needed that extra push. Women like to feel safe.
Maybe she did get a little bit scared. When a woman gets scared, what does she want? She wants to be protected by her man.
A real man is going to make her feel protected and make her feel safe. That’s what women are craving – that feeling of safety and security. Women are nesters.
Women are looking at you as a potential husband or father, and they want to feel very safe. By you saying "screw it" and just walking away at the first little sign of possible rejection, you proved to her that that little doubt that she had about you was 100% correct.
You walked away from a woman who wanted you. WHY?
It's just because you didn’t want to become vulnerable, and you had to protect your ego. You wanted to save face.
From whom did you need to save face anyway? From your friends? From her friends if she talks to them?
If you call her and just ask her what's up, she is going to go to her friends and say, “He called, and he just wants to know what’s going on with me. What should I do?” If her friends know that she likes you, all her friends will be encouraging her to call you.
So your ego just protected you from NOTHING. There are a hundred other similar scenarios like this, but they all have the same moral to the story: You MUST lose the ego.
If you really want a true, spectacular relationship, drop the ego. When you go to meet somebody, drop the ego. Stop worrying about what other people say and just live your life to the fullest every day by becoming vulnerable.
If you want to ELIMINATE all of your dating fears FOR GOOD so you never miss a connection with women you desire, and learn how to create the deep inner confidence you need to be able to easily and enjoyably meet and attract the women you most desire EVERY DAY, then you need to check this out:
Mens Mastery Audio Series David Wygant - learn how to easily and naturally, attract the most amazing women every single day and everywhere you go..
Dating Tips For Men. Throw Aside Your Fears And Learn How To Approach And Attract Women By Top Dating Coach David Wygant!

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